Peace be on Adam ,the choice of allah ! peace be on Noah , the Prophet of Allah , peace be on Ibraheem , the Friend of Allah ,Peace be on Mosa who spoke to Allah , Peace be on isa , the sprit of allah , peace be on you O Massenger of Allah.peace be on you , O the best of the Mankind , Peace be on you , O choice of Allah ,Peace be on you , O mohammad , O the last of the prophets! Peace be on you , o comamander of the fathful , Ali bin Ali Talib ,O Successor of the messenger of Allah , Peace be on you , O Fatimah , the Leader of the Women of the Worlds , Peace be on you , O the grandsons of the orophetof May , and the leaders of the youth of Paradise Peace beon you , O Ali bin Husain , the leader of Worshippers , O Coolness f investigating eyes , Peace be on you ,O Mohammad , the truthful the being , the trustworthy. Peace be on you , O Mosa bin jafar , the Pure , the Purified , Peace be on you , O Ali bin Mosa , the Pleased , the gratified , Peace be on you, O Mohammad bin Ali O pious one . Peace be on you , O Ali bin Mohammad , the pure ,the advising guardian ; and the trustworthy . peace be on Hasan bin Ali Peace be on the successor after him O Allah , bless thy light and the supporter and successor of thy Messenger and the decisive argument of Allah over mankind . Peace be on you , O syyed O virtuous , O pure , Peace be on you , O the son of the Pure and virtuous Peace be on you , O the son of the chosen Peace be on the Massenger of Allah and his Offspring .May Allah confer His Mercy and blessing on you ! Peace be on the virtuous , obedient slave of Allah , the Lord of the worlds , His Messenger and the commander of the faithful! Peace be on you , O Abul Qasim , yhe grandson of the chosen . Peace be on whose Ziarat is equivalent to the Ziarat of the Leader of the martyrs of the world . Peace be on you , May Allah grant us your companionship on the dy of Judgment and guide us to follow your footsteps to lead us to your grandfather's fountain and quench our thrist out of it . with Mohammad's own cup in Ali's hand , Allah bless you All I ask Allah to grant us .Through you , happiness , ease to grant us your companionship on the day of Judgment , Allah Bless You All, and to make us know you well ineed , He is Portector an , Powerful on everything I seek Allah's neamess through my love for you and through my enmity for you enemies my surrender to Allah willingly , not unwillingly my acceptance , with unshaken faith , what he communicated to Mohammed in that Thy Face ! Thy satisfaction , and the next world , O Master O my leader and the son of , my laeder Stand by us when Allah sit in judgment over us , O intimate of Allah . O Allah ,I ask thee to make me have a happy ending , and not to deprive me from what you have given me There is neither might nor power but with Allah , the Great , the Exalted . So by Thy generosity , might mercy and bounteousness , comply with our supplication , O Allah bless Mohammed , and his pius and pure Progeny and give them abundant peace ! O the Most Merciful of the Merciful
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پی نوشت 1:
بیا تابرایت بگویم تا چه اندازه تنهایی من بزرگ است و تنهایی من شبیخون حجم تو را پیش بینی نمیکرد
پی نوشت2 :
به یاد دونه دونه الماسهایی که راه وجودم رو تو دل و جون تو باز کردن
coming soon :پی نوشت 3
چی بگم؟
نمی دونم
کم اوردم همه ی کلمه های خوب و بزرگ رو این روزا
تنهايي... كاش با گفتن مي فهميديم!!!... باراني باشي.
salam chetoori ? khoobi khooshi ??? to bebin tanhaie ha che bozorg ast va mache asoon toosh penhoon mishim . khoosh bashi eidet ham mobarak .
Salam Dooste khubam ..
rastesh matlabet ro ta akhar nakhundam .. dobare bar migardam vanazaram ro dar morede matlabet migam.. amma in dalil nemishek e saale no ro behet tabrik nagam pas .. barat behtarin ha ro arezoo mikonam va omidvaram emsal yeki az por bar tarin sal haye zendgeit bashe .
salam mohseb jan
khobi pesar?
matnet kheyli ziba bod raste babakhshin ke dir shod midonam man kheyli...........
ba khoda kar dashtam chekar bayad mikardam hame chiz ye dafe kharab shod khodet ke jaryano midoni
ba mojtaba..........
namidonam chekar konam vali taghsir manam nabode
emrozam az sob naomadam alanam be eshghe......omadam vali of bod
faghat to va mani baram of gozashte bodin
man javabatono dadam vali moteasefane javabi baram naomad
omidvaram 1000 bar movafagh bashi
raste agar nadidamet eydet pishapish mobarak bashe
omidvaram to in sale jadid harchi az khoda mikhay behet bede
man say mikonam barat zang bazanam vali alan na
dost daram avalin nafare basham ke eydo behet tabrik mige (cheshmak)
man hanooz daram tarjomash mikonam , :D
happy new year.
ekhtiar darid in che harfieh
man agar gahi migam chera deer nazarid roo hesab gelayeh
hich vaght z hich kass entezaree nadaram dooste man
salet0on ba khoshi biad o bereh
amma dastetoon goli par par nakoneh
ya ali....
خيلی زود که برگردی باز برای بی تو ماندن من هزاره ايی است که پر شکوفه ترين کلمات مرا در غياب نور به خواب سايه خواهد برد / من هم به روزم/
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